Friday, February 1, 2008

Ice Storm

Got an ice storm last night. Now on a 2 hour delay from work. Just like in elementary school. I had no idea. Luckily my super-awesome boss called to tell me at 6:45 in the morning. Must get that woman something nice...

Anywho.. So I think the Spice Girls need to come to Pittsburgh. That's right, hidden deep inside is a secret love for Girl Power. Honestly, you have it too. You're just lying to yourself about it. That and I want to make out with Posh & Ginger spice. Those girls are hot hot hot.

A shout out to Uncle Sam for allowing me to claim my tax deductible energy efficient home improvements on my taxes. Mad props to the government. This happens rarely...

Ok gang, off to enjoy my remaining 1.25 hours of freedom before I have to go to work....

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