Sunday, December 23, 2007

Weird TV moments...

I saw an ad today for the most frightening product... the "Ped Egg" It was an infomercial. I was so horrified as this Sasquatch woman shaved her feet (which looked mysteriously covered in pork chitlins) into these beautiful white feet. It was like a car accident. You just had to watch. Then the ped egg came open and she dumped all the "shavings" into the trash. It was reminiscent of when it was your turn to take the blackboard erasers out in elementary school and clap them together to clean them.. Google them. There's a web site. You might get to see the commercial too... Try not to gag.

I try to avoid the entertainment demon that is TV, but got sucked into a marathon on the Travel Channel. It was Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations". The whole day was summed up when the Namibia Bushmen of the Kalahari offered him warthog anus (apparently a sign of welcome and respect). Delicious! And he didn't even have alcohol to wash it down...

Does anyone actually watch ice skating anymore? I think I did as a kid, so I flipped on the Stars on Ice skate gaily to Wynonna Judd or some bullshit. Held my attention for exactly 1.2 seconds. Some of those skaters have got to be in their late 40's, early 50's. Should have gotten a good investment portfolio instead of pimping out on Sunday afternoon TV.

Loaded the car up for the exercise in futility known as Christmas with the folks. I really wish the folks would wise up and realize that we're at the stage in our life where we don't really identify with their new found love of Jesus and organized religion. Don't worry about us. I loaded up on those cute little bottles from the liquor store that they keep behind the counter...

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